Thursday 4 July 2013

Is Mumbai opening up to hypnobirthing?

Is Mumbai opening up to hypnobirthing?

With reports of Kate Middleton considering this practice before her delivery, hypnobirthing practitioners throw light on this method that has caught women’s attention in the city too

    Does the term ‘hynobirthing’ conjure up images of a doctor hypnotising you to sleep to curb your labour pains just before going into delivery? Contrary to what the term suggests, hypnobirthing is a structured childbirth class for achieving a relaxing and stress-free natural birthing experience, says Dr Hetal Desai, one of the hypnobirthing practitioners in the city. 
    While there have been reports that the Duchess of Cambridge is considering this practice, hypnobirthing has caught the attention of women in Mumbai since a couple of years now. The city first witnessed its first hypnobirthing baby around five
years back. “When I began the practice two years ago, we would hardly get any queries but now, at least two couples come to enquire about this method every month,” 
What is hypnobirthing? 
Functioning on the premise that most labour-related pain is a result of fear and tension — which can be reduced or completely eliminated — hypnobirthing classes help to empower women for pregnancy. “In simple terms, it involves teaching self-hypnosis to mothers that helps them to eliminate fear, tension and pain syndrome during childbirth. The couples usually go through 
five to six sessions that they can begin after the first trimester. Through visual imagery, special breathing and relaxation exercises, we make the couple understand that a woman’s body is naturally designed for birthing, so there is no reason to feel fear or pain while in labour. In this way, we create a calm and stress-free birthing environment.” 
    Hypnobirthing also guides the mother in proper nutrition and best postures. “It gives complete birthing control to the mother rather than relying on doulas or midwives when in labour,”  
Does hypnobirthing 
really help? 
According to several studies, hypnobirthing is said to have decreased the average length of labour and reduced the use of pain medication during delivery. However, Dr Rishma Pai, obstetrician and a practising gynaecologist says, “Scientifically, it is yet to be proven that hypnobirthing can eliminate labour pains completely but there is a possibility that if a woman is relaxed and in control of her body — which is what this method suggests — she might deliver with less pain.” 
    Meanwhile, the hypnobirthing practitioners affirm that this method does help during the delivery process. Hetal Desai says, “I have had hypnobirthing moms cherishing their birthing moments with joy because these sessions release all prior fears of birthing and make the mother free of harmful emotions that lead to pain and fear." 

A great bonding exercise 
Besides empowering women for pregnancy, hypnobirthing is a great bonding exercise between the father and the baby too. “It is essential for the birthing companion to participate in hypnobirthing sessions. This gives him a chance to bond with the baby in the mother’s womb and even during the delivery, the birthing companion’s presence helps to support the mother mentally,” 

    What is hypnobirthing? Popular in UK, hypnobirthing is a structured childbirth class for achieving a relaxing and stress-free natural birthing experience. This practice functions on the premise that most labour-related pain is a result of fear and tension which can be diminished or completely eliminated.

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