Saturday 5 January 2013

Hypnofertility Therapy Comes To Town

How it works
Dr Hetal, a clinical hypnotherapist, says that for couples undergoing Assisted Reproductive Technology (ART), including hypnotherapy in their treatment can double the success rate. "It works with the subconscious mind to release blockages and de-condition the mind from fears that could lead to infertility," she explains.
Popular abroad
Sarojini Alva, a hypnotherapy practitioner based in the US, says that it's a popular alternative option for couples there. "Marie Mongan encouraged treating infertility through hypnosis, which came into being about ten years ago." It's popular in Europe and is catching on in Canada, she adds.
Plan of action
"Induction techniques like reverse counting, progressive relaxation and white light healing are used to take the couple into a deep hypnosis state wherein the physical body is relaxed and the mind is very receptive to healing suggestions," explains Dr Pandya. "Crayon drawings and paintings are also used to work with the belief and thought of a person. A hereditary family tree is also used to identify and break patterns if any," she adds. While in most cases, both partners have to undergo hypnotherapy, in some cases only one of them requires therapy.
"The programme also tackles ancillary issues like thyroid anomalies, etc. by eliminating stress. The sessions required varies from case to case. 
Bonding benefits
Hypnotherapy helps couples deal with the effects of infertility and make changes that can help to positively impact their fertility. "It can make the treatment process easier and help them to handle the outcome better, irrespective of what the results might be," which is more important than promising miracles, says Alva. The "best side effect" as Dr Hetal beautifully puts, "is a stronger bond between the couples."

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